Once upon a time the wise men of Earth believe the earth’s shape was a plane or disk. Most ancient cultures held this conception until the early centuries AD and some were unable to be convinced differently until around the 17th century. It wasn’t until the time of Pythagorus and Aristotle that knowledge of a spherical earth gradually spread beyond the Hellenistic world. Now we know the concept of a flat earth was a myth.

But there are still those people who believe there is little circumference or depth to their lives – or to anyone’s – beyond our early choices. These folks have comfortably adopted the worldview that each of us is brought up to accept what is handed out by pastors and rabbis, parents, teachers, friends, books, TV and Internet gurus who proclaim the right and wrong of nearly everything, and that we should be content therein. People who choose to break out of the mold garner bitter grapes. This concept is also a myth.

Recently I submitted a post to a friend’s blog: www.jewishjournal.com. I was asked to answer some questions about my conversion from Judaism to the LDS faith and church. Within a day the editors of that online journal had edited out significant parts of my post. Angry people offered comments that were rude, wrong, quite biased, and which showed little understanding or tolerance for my scripture-backed testimony. That is, of course, their privilege.

I gathered from that experience the view that, by and large, I need to repent of my decision to become a Mormon (“there is still time”) and that I don’t know what I believe and therefore do not have the right to write about the subject. This really myths me out…

Here is fact: Our human bodies are created to live in this world as mortals and in other dimensions as spirit-filled entities. We were created by our Heavenly Father and His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, promised and given the mind, will and spirit to realize an unlimited potential of understanding, that we might one day be as God is, masters of our own light, holy in the sight of God, whether Jew or Mormon, Muslim or Baptist or Lutheran – these sectarian designations are steps we take that bring us toward the highest and holiest understanding of who we are, why we are here and where we are going.

We each are like an ever increasing pyramid. Our possibilities are endless. Movement from one sphere of understanding into another is a step upward on the ladder of enlightenment. There is no penalty for growth, only the fear of it. What have we to fear? In the Pearl of Great Price God revealed himself to Moses, who was transfigured. He beheld the world with his spiritual eyes – we all have those eyes – we are all made in the similitude and beauty of the Only Begotten. And then the Father told Moses:

For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Moses 1:39.

Our Heavenly Father has created each of us in His image and endowed us with the light of perfect knowledge that can transform us so we may become beings of perfect understanding of spiritual things. He has bestowed upon us gifts of all kinds. Our potential is immeasurable. But for the great limits we place upon our own learning and progression, we can attain total self-knowledge and control. We can truly become the pearls of great price which God labors to help us become. We each have an inborn capacity to become new again through Christ – to wear a crown of beauty, a turban of righteousness and a glory born of understanding the perfect peace and love of our Father, our Heavenly Mother, our Christ. We are here to return to our place in heaven. The world is not flat. It is without boundaries. It, too, will be renewed!

In the days of Isaiah the people of Israel were apostate, rebellious and corrupt, but the prophets (some of whom the Israelites murdered) saw our latter day gathering and millenial judgement. They saw Israel desolate, its people scattered. The Lord, in his patience, said he would gather the people and show them an Ensign, but many were threatened. They killed their salvation and chose to labor in war, sorrow, death and hopelessness. Nothing much has really changed.

It is a personal matter to choose to look beyond the narrowness of worldly thinking and see the true mark of salvation: the Savior of many worlds and universes. He is my light and my salvation, and he is yours. Eventually,

Isaiah says, the people of the world will see his great light shining through the dark flatness of their understanding. He is our guide and teacher through the smallness of our personal visions. We can and must strive to attain a will of iron, a vision of ourselves as capable of a vast immortality. Have you worked on your vision of your eternal lives?

Jesus said: ” I am the way and the truth and the life…” John 14:6. Following him with total devotion will lead each soul to discover that boundless world of light that waits within each of us. This is not wishful thinking but the words of this earnest traveler, on the path to a bountiful inheritance.

Your world is not without unplumbed depth and delightful mystery, but it likely lies within you undiscovered. What is your growth quotient? Are you on a personal path toward transformation? Let me know your thoughts.

Marlena Tanya Muchnick

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