Yesterday was Christmas in America. We opened our presents, enjoyed time with families. It was another holiday of plenty, in general.

In Israel the soldiers were keeping watch while Islamist vigilantes stepped up their threats in Sinai. twenty-two of their neighboring countries are enemies of Israel and of the Jews who live there.

“From the day Israel was established, the Muslim world has been hostile towards the State of Israel. This has been increasing over the years, despite the efforts of so many to settle the conflict. Although Israel signed Peace

Agreements with Egypt and Jordan, nevertheless, many leaders in the Arab world, including Egyptian and Jordanian officials, make anti-Zionist and even anti-Semitic statements, and oppose normalization with Israel. When asked why, they answer that this peace is between governments, and not between the people of their countries.

Trying to find solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict, politicians and statesmen have spent endless hours with experts on Islam to understand the roots of the conflict. They have usually heard two answers: “The root of the problem is territorial,” and “The root of the problem is religious; it stems from the classic Islamic view of Jews as evil.”” (Gatestone Institute article in 2010)

But there are good deeds done every day in Israel. Here are some pictures of Israeli soldiers helping their Arab neighbors. As a Jewish convert to the LDS church I know that my people are a great nation, responsible for much of the goodness, originality, wealth, success of all kinds all over the world. Hate is of the Adversary, and he knows he will lose to his rival, Jesus Christ.

Let us think kindly of others. Let us observe this holiday season with positive thoughts of others and give all mankind the benefit of the doubts.

Here are pictures not in the media of Israeli soldiers assisting their Arab neighbors.Let us, as Americans and as children of our Heavenly Father, do what we can for others.

Season’s greetings to all my readers. See you in 2013. If you like my work, why not drop me a line at [email protected].

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