Differences between Judaism and LDS

Monotheism — Jewish
Belief in Torah as final arbiter of all of life’s rules, rewards, the garment of life — Jewish
Method of prayer is ritualistic. Prayers are recited exactly as written — Jewish
Open canon, not a finalized religion or culture Jewish — LDS
Knowledge that families of Joseph are to bring Judah into the LDS church — LDS
Interest in or understanding of Jesus the Christ – LDS
The Messiah has arrived and is Jesus Christ – LDS
Atonement of Savior has been accomplished – LDS
The Messiah put on mortality through Mary, immortality through God LDS
Personal savior recognized as Jesus. Prayers offered in Jesus’ name – LDS
Personal prayers taught and encouraged LDS
Belief in modern revelation or promptings – LDS
Modern prophets lead restored Church of Jesus Christ – LDS
Priesthood restoration has been accomplished – LDS
Lay leaders, unpaid clergy – LDS
Literal belief in life after death for the soul of man – LDS
Saving ordinances – LDS
Acknowledgement of a modern temple – LDS
Ordinance work for dead (Elijah’s return) has been restored – LDS
Holy Ghost part of basic liturgy, part of the Godhead – LDS
Concerned with only true principles – LDS
Complete, true understanding of the Fall of Man through Adam and Eve – LDS

Similarities between Judaism and LDS
Members of the twelve families of Israel – Both
Under the Avrahamic Covenant, both called Covenant Israel because the blood of Israel is in their veins – Both
Worship the same Heavenly Father Both
Belief in the Ten Commandments as given to Moses — Both
Belief in a kingdom of priests and a holy nation — Both
Ancient holders of holy priesthoods — Both
Belief in angels, holy and unholy visitations – Both
Belief in the idea and reality of a Messianic figure — Both
Belief in sacrifice as atonement for sin — Both
Belief in Old Testament (Torah) prophets, revelations from God — Both
Belief the Mashiach will be a descendant of Davidic line — Both
Belief in temples. The synagogue is a type of temple — Both
Belief in prayer, sacred religious rituals and consecrated behaviors — Both
Practice a form of baptism, anointing, laying on of hands — Both
Administer “new” names to those completing ordinances — Both
Belief in giving aid, monetary assistance and other charity to those in need — Both
Belief in a pre-mortal life and an afterlife — Both
LDS believe Elijah has returned. Jews believe he will return on the Passover — Both
Do not see death as tragedy — Both
Belief in the eventual redemption of the dead — Both
Believe in eventual resurrection of the dead — Both
Belief in the End Days theories that will bring peace and joy — Both
Congregations led by appointed representatives — Both
Believe in living basic Mosaic law of chastity, honesty, charity, Sabbath observance — Both
Crosses not used as symbols in either church or synagogue — Both
Both religions acknowledge Jesus as a teacher of righteousness — Both
Both religions have strict dietary laws — Both
Jews and Mormons wear sacred garments under clothes, outer vestments — Both
General knowledge or interest in scripture learning, reading, quoting Both
Members encouraged to study, learn and achieve — Both
Members are taught self-sufficiency — Both
Belief in family as essential to a happy, productive life, basis of society — Both
Belief in marrying inside the religion and culture — Both
Belief in an Adversary and his evil influences, Belief that good overcomes evil — Both
Acknowledgement of mysteries of creation beyond human knowledge — Both
Societies have undergone religious persecution, exodus, re-settlement for beliefs — Both

Belief that God will personally reign upon the earth (Jews: Elohim) (LDS: Christ) Connections
Former and latter-day prophets have used the Urim and Thummim — Connections
The Jewish Tanakh scriptures have parallels and similarities to the LDS “quad” in subject matter, wisdom, purpose — Connections
LDS temple ordinances, symbols are based upon sacred Israelite rites and practices — Connections
Belief in revelation and prophecy available to anyone (Jews: rabbis exert powerful but limited influence — Connections
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints based upon Mosaic Law as given to Moses — Connections
Jews know their Messiah will come. He will be a Jew. LDS know that the Savior has come and is Jesus Christ — Connections
Messianic Jews already know that Jesus is the Christ. They call him Yeshua — Connections
Book of Mormon prophets are descendents of Hebrew prophets, although the Jewish people are as yet unaware of it — Connections
Book of Mormon prophets as well as Hebrew prophets have received revelations about the gathering in these last days of the 10 lost tribes and their eventual return to Israel — Connections
Circumcision practiced. Jews: a covenant with God and the mark of their identity. LDS: having a broken heart and a contrite spirit — Connections
Mormon prophets pray for the redemption of Israel and the gathering of Israel to the lands of their inheritance. Jews pray for peace and redemption of Israel to Jerusalem — Connections

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