by Marlena Tanya Muchnick | May 9, 2014 | LDS and Jewish beliefs
Handout #17: Shema, mezuzah, tefillin, Brigham, Moses’ ministry, mezuzah, fulfill Torah, Maimonides, D&C 84. Words of Christ, Torah is forever. May 2014 Deuteronomy is a title formed from the two Greek wordsdeutero, “second,” and nomos,“law.” Thus, the title means...
by Marlena Tanya Muchnick | May 4, 2014 | LDS and Jewish beliefs
Plains of Moab, Midian, Battle for territory, Amalekites, Levitical/Aaronic, Edomites, Ordinations, King’s Highway, Vows (4 cases) May 2014 Moab is the incestuous son of Lot with his oldest daughter (Genesis 19:37). Moab is the father of the Moabites. A famous Moabite...
by Marlena Tanya Muchnick | Apr 29, 2014 | Jewish History, Jews and Christians, LDS and Jewish beliefs
Book of Mormon Institute Class Lesson by Lynda Cherry April 28, 2014 Antichrist. The term is as much a definition as it is a title. For many Christians today the word brings fear and dread, aggravated by their interpretation that there is an individual who is called...
by Marlena Tanya Muchnick | Apr 24, 2014 | LDS and Jewish beliefs
Handout #15: Bamidbar,Countings, 3 themes, Priestly code, tabernacle, Nazarite, Seventy, quail, Neeshutan, serpents, representative gov’t, Lehi (to life), cloud, stewardship, purification, rationalist. April 2014 Book of Numbers: Heb: Bamidbar (in the desert)....
by Marlena Tanya Muchnick | Apr 16, 2014 | Jewish History, Jews and Christians, LDS and Jewish beliefs, News of Mormon/Jewish Milestones
O.T.Handout 14: Song of Moses, meaning of 40, Aseret Hadiberot, Noahide Laws, JST Gen 34, holy order of God, Tabernacle in desert:gate, altar,laver,menorah,showbread,Atlar of Incense, holy of Holies, Veil, Ark of Covenant April 2014 The beautiful Song of Moses in Ex...